Created by Ralph Lazar, Devil-Cat is the world’s most useless villain.
Everyone knows that. Except Devil-Cat himself.
He thinks he’s the greatest scoundrel ever.
In fact, he not only thinks it, he knows it!
He first appeared on the wrong side of the law in the Total Mayhem book series published by Scholastic.
Here, his adventures continue.
Devil-Cat Facts
Age: Unknown
Height: 5ft
Weight: 122 lbs (55 kgs)
Number of tails: 2
Favourite food: Pizza, carrots
Favourite drinks: Farty-cola, pizza juice, carrot juice
Terrified of: Watermelons
Profession: Master-burglar, chaos-causer, normality-disrupter
Main hobby: Sleeping
Hours of sleep per day: 16
Why is Devil-Cat terrified of watermelons?
Well . . . it’s a long story.
You can read all about it in Volume 3 (Exploding Watermelons and Giant Carrots).
Why did Devil-Cat become a criminal?
Devil-Cat’s dad was strict and seemed to be consistently disappointed with his only son. Devil-cat’s mom and seventeen sisters were constantly doting and fussing over him. Researchers have not been sure why he turned to the dark side. Perhaps to please his father? Perhaps to escape the over-protectiveness of his mom and sisters?
Or perhaps, just for fun?